
IBI Lorenzini al servizio dei pazienti: soluzione contro il COVID e mercato estero, tra i progetti per il futuro

08 February 2021

IBI Lorenzini è un’impresa biofarmaceutica che produce e vende in tutto il mondo prodotti iniettabili. Esperta nei dosaggi in asepsi e nei prodotti betalattamici è presente in 20 paesi e direttamente negli ospedali.

IBI Lorenzini è sempre in prima linea nell’applicare la scienza alle necessità della comunità e lo fa oggi lanciando una sfi da al mercato dei farmaci, con un importante investimento nella produzione di un dispositivo innovativo: Espresso ®, ideato e prodotto interamente da IBI Lorenzini. Un nuovo sistema che ha già attirato l’attenzione di partner oltre l’Atlantico, perché garantisce qualità e sterilità dalla produzione al letto del paziente, evitando il contatto tra prodotto ed ambiente fi no all’infusione.

IBI mette al servizio della salute il proprio know-how anche in questo momento di emergenza, rimanendo fedele al proprio motto Fare per Dare. Lo fa attraverso la collaborazione tutta italiana con AchilleS Vaccines, per lo sviluppo industriale del prodotto fi nito contenente un anticorpo monoclonale mAbCo19, come soluzione terapeutica al SARS-CoV-2. Il progetto è frutto della ricerca condotta da Fondazione TLS e coordinata dallo scienziato di fama mondiale nel campo dei vaccini, il dr. Rino Rappuoli. IBI sarà impegnata per la produzione dei lotti da utilizzare per lo studio clinico e per la fornitura commerciale. Il progetto ha l’ambizione di rendere il prodotto disponibile per la sperimentazione clinica sull’uomo già per la fi ne dell’anno 2020.

“Il punto di forza che ci contraddistingue - afferma Camilla Borghese, Presidente IBI - è la centenaria esperienza e la passione, che le persone in IBI mettono nel trasformare i risultati ottenuti dalla ricerca di base, in terapie al servizio della collettività.”

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Dear visitor, in the following sections we will describe how the reserved area of the website is managed as far as processing personal data of users. The notice is issued pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016 (hereinafter also the Regulation) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and applies to those who interact with the website of Istituto Biochimico Italiano Giovanni Lorenzini S.p.A. (hereinafter I.B.I.), which can be accessed at the following address:, the opening page of the official I.B.I. website. The notice only applies to the I.B.I. website. It does not apply to any other websites that the user may access through links.

  1. The processing of the personal data that you supply, which are also used for the creation of your user profile, and which will be included in the “Doctors’ Details” database, has the following purposes:
  • carry out medical sales related activities for drugs for human consumption. Istituto Biochimico Italiano Giovanni Lorenzini S.p.A. and Ibigen S.r.l., part of the same company group (hereinafter also Ibigen Group), carry out such activities in compliance with the provisions of the current regulations, with particular, but not exclusive, attention to Italian Legislative Decree no. 219 of 24.04.2006 and subsequent modifications. In view of the objectives of the Ibigen Group, it is important to point out that the processing activities do not deal with any special data. The supply of the data for the medical sales activities is necessary, and failure to provide consent will make it impossible for us to fulfil the above objectives;

  • forwarding of invitations or information on congresses, conferences, seminars, communications on initiatives promoted or sponsored by the Ibigen group, regular or occasional publications, information on new products, methods and services. Such activities are carried out by e-mail, fax, SMS, normal post or telephone. The supply of the data for such purposes is optional, and failure to supply them will result in the information not being forwarded.

  1. As far as the creation of your profile on our website, we remind you that your password is strictly confidential and should not be disclosed.
  2. Your data will not be disclosed, but may be shared with individuals, companies, associations or professional studios providing support or consultancy services to the Ibigen Group, the medical sales representative network, our suppliers and any sub-suppliers - from time to time entrusted with activities connected with the above objectives -, mailing or statistical survey companies, or companies for the forwarding of scientific documentation, and individuals authorised to access the data by law and/or pursuant to secondary regulations.
  3. Such people may only acquire knowledge of your personal data for the above mentioned purposes.
  4. The Owners of the Treatment (Data Controllers) are the two companies of the Ibigen Group with legal headquarters at Via Fossignano no. 2, Aprilia (LT), Italy.
  5. Personal data are processed using manual and automated means, for the time necessary for reaching the objectives for which they were collected. Special safety measures are in place to avoid data loss, unlawful or incorrect use and unauthorised access.
  6. Lastly, we also inform you that you can at any time exercise the rights contemplated by the Regulation, and in particular request access to the data, their correction, update and block, or you can withdraw your consent, or request the limitation of the processing or the cancellation of the data. As data subject, you also have the right to issue a complaint with the relevant control Authority. Such rights may be exercised in writing to the following e-mail address:
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